Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor , consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
The application has a few system requirements, so you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
After uploading the cpocket to your server, you may need to configure some permissions. Firstly set all your directories permission to 755 and files to 644. Directories within the storage, vendor and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server. Set permission to 775 for storage, vendor and the bootstrap/cache directories. So set these directories set the write permissions to the web server.
Example command
sudo chmod -R 777 /storage/
sudo chmod -R 777 /public/uploaded_file
'Pexeer' is bundled with files:
Welcome page. Start the install process
After run the project you see this page
Welcome page. Start the install process
After run the project you see this page
Check server requirement
Check and give permission
Verify Envato Purchase code
Put here your purchase code
Setup project Environment
Fill up Environment Setup Form
Give here your app title, database name, username, password etc
Then click the setup install button
Installation Finish
landing page
Welcome page. Start the install process
After run the project you see this page
Check server requirement
Check and give permission
Verify Envato Purchase code
Put here your purchase code
Setup project Environment
Fill up Environment Setup Form
Give here your app title, database name, username, password etc
Then click the setup install button
Installation Finish
landing page
To add a new language you need add the new language file in .json format suppose i want to add Indonesian language go to “project_name/resources/lang” and inside this add new file “id.json”
Then go to “project_name/app/Helper/helpers.php” file. there is a function “langName()” inside the function add your new language key, look like the below screenshot
then open the terminal and run this command to sync all language key — “php artisan translation:sync-missing-translation-keys “
After this command now all language key automatically added to the new “id.json” file
then you need to add here, all the translated text one by one
We already added here some language json file, you can put here all the translated text one by one for the es.json file ——
Now we can change the language from setting and check the translation
Add some info to .env file
ERC20_NODE_URL= your token site url (ex: https://pexeer-token.itech-theme.com/)
HEADER_API_KEY=32c412e1f281fea2c93fd972a212040b692b9bdd (you can change it)
run this command at every 5 minutes -> “php artisan custom-token-deposit”
APP_NAME=ERC20 token
There are some migration file. so you need to run migration command to create table. “php artisan migrate”
There are some migration file. so you need to run seed command to create table. “php artisan db:seed”
You need to run the schedules all time with the help of cronjob. Command : php artisan schedule:run
So add a cronjob to run schedules and the schedule:run Artisan command will evaluate all of your scheduled tasks and determine if they need to run based on the server’s current time.
run this command at every 5 minutes -> “php artisan command:set-dynamic-rate”
Here you can see three new menu such as Custom Pages, Landing Page Settings and Footer Settings. Also you can see here custom page list.
After goto landing page settings menu, you can see setting page with active landing page content which will show on site as landing page.
Then you can select landing pages from landing page option
After select landing page, dynamic section will appear based on landing page
Now you edit banner section like live editing mode. Actions are like section show, edit section title etc.
You can add mutiple data from this type of section and need to click ‘Add More’ button. And you can see that on list
Also you can edit data from list as image shows..
After edit all section with desired data you need to click on update button. That button action store all your changes. So another time you can find those changes.
Now you are on finishing line. Just click on ‘Save and Publish’ button and the landing page will show publicly on site with your all changes that you did.
Admin can add custom page from this menu.
In this setting, admin can set footer information. Footer description, newsletter description, links and address can be updated here. Also admin can set features based on landing page. Also he/she can add custom pages for footer section.
Landing page will show as below
Admin can setup kyc setting for trade and withdrawal. He can enable or disable kyc mandatory for trade and withdrawal from here
In this settings, admin can add host name and key for rapidapi chart
GOTO https://rapidapi.com and create an account and subscribe your plan. After subscription you will get a mail and a notification
GOTO —> https://rapidapi.com/developer/dashboard
Create App and get x-rapidapi-key (example : f93c8eeb0cmshb46cc6ce74d50adp1cb259jsna87e2bc11d1a) and get host name (example : coingecko.p.rapidapi.com)
GOTO —> https://rapidapi.com/coingecko/api/coingecko/
You can find a page as belows:
Then add 1st API like this way. showing as below:
Then add 2nd API like this way. showing as below:
GOTO —> https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/
Create App and get site key and secret key
Set key to .env file
Last job is setting status for captcha
Admin can set his/her desired font from this screen. First goto general settings and select font setting tab. Now select desired font and enable it and update.
After font setup landing will look like below image..
Landing page will show as below
First from the admin panel you need to enable buy coin feature. if you do not want this feature you keep it disable mode
from admin panel admin can create new ico phase
admin can create new bank for buy coin with bank deposit
The accept , pending and rejected buy order lis
from here admin can accept or reject order
input your amount then select a bank , in the right side you will see the bank details, to the bank you need to deposit fund, then upload the payment slip
then wait for admin approval
To start accepting BEP-20 or ERC-20 token payment, the first step is the config the contract address,Wallet address,Private key and the chain ID! Get started by following along the steps
Please ask about Chain link, Chain ID to your SMART CONTRACT SOLIDITY DEVELOPER
Open admin panel and go to general setting and click on withdrawal tap
Install metamask Click here
Go to custom RPC and setup your token
Please go to deposit page
click the deposit icon and open the page , click the confirm with metamask button to connect with metamask
create a metamask accoint then select one and connect to the account
when connected to the account then you can input the amount
to confirm the deposit you need some gas fees (need ETH fees for ERC-20 token and need BNB fees for BEP-20 token)
don’t reload or leave this page before complete the process after some second the transaction will complete
you can check this transaction
Please go to withdrawal page input the amount and address then click the confirm
Please use appropriate address to make withdrawal test
start the withdrawal process, need to wait sometimes to complete the withdrawal process
transaction complete and get the transaction hash, using this transaction hash you can find the history
withdrawal report
Landing Screenshot
Landing header
landing header setting.
from here we can update the landing header section from admin setting
Landing coin
landing coin setting.
from here we can update the landing coin list from admin panel
Landing feature
landing feature setting.
from here we can update the landing feature from admin setting
Landing about
landing about setting.
from here we can update the landing about from admin setting
Landing how to trade section
landing how to trade setting.
from here we can update the landing trade process setting from admin setting
Landing Testimonial section
landing testimonial setting.
from here we can update the landing testimonial setting from admin setting
Also from admin panel you can add the testimonial
Landing FAQ
landing FAQ setting.
from here we can update the landing FAQ setting from admin setting
Also add the faq list from admin panel faq list
Landing Newsletter
landing Newsletter setting.
from here we can update the landing FAQ setting from admin setting
User login
User Registration Process
Forgot password
Reset password
User Dashboard
User Profile
Edit Profile
User Profile Phone Verification
User Change Password
User KYC
User Setting, Google Authentication, Language setup
User Wallet
You can deposit any coin , and the deposit address generated with coinpayment. Here user can generate new address and copy it and send to others
User can withdrawal to both internal and external address. Before withdrawal user must have activate gauth
User Wallet activity, (deposit and withdrawal list of specific wallet)
Exchange dashboard, from here you can buy or sell coin
Also you can filter exchange list, (various filtering option)
User Buy Offer
User Sell Offer
User Offer Create (buy or sell)
User Offer Update (buy or sell)
Place order
After placing order user see this page (this is the buyer page)
Notification section
The seller trading list
Seller trade details page, need to escrow the fund. escrow is the middle account for both buyer and seller.
If the seller agree to sell coin , he should escrow the fund. it is so secure
After moved the fund to escrow the seller see this view and waiting for payment
The buyer trading list
The escrow process already completed, so the buyer now can start the payment process
The buyer manually complete the payment then upload here the payment slip
After uploading the payment slip the buyer see this page and waiting for release the escrow from seller end
Now the time to release the escrow from seller end
Click the release escrow button and confirm it
After releasing escrow the transaction successful and buyer get the coin
Both Buyer or Seller can create dispute against order
Type here the reason and upload the appropriate document against order
The dispute created against order
Dispute process will complete from the admin end. so login to admin panel and go to dispute list
Dispute details the seller created the dispute against buyer, the seller already escrowed the fund but the buyer did not any response. So the seller want to refund. Now the admin can analysis the current situation you can refund the escrow amount to seller.
Dispute details the buyer created the dispute against seller, Buyer already competed the payment process successfully but the seller still not released the escrowed amount. So admin can analysis the current situation you can release the escrow amount to buyer.
After refunded the escrow the trade details look like
User referral link. Copy the url and also share it to social media
User referral user count and reference details
User referral commission history
Admin Dashboard
Coin Configuration
User list
User Profile
Add New User
Suspended User list
Deleted User list
Email Pending User list
Pending id verification
Pending id verify approve or reject process
User Wallet List
All list of user wallets
All Transaction History
Deposit and withdrawal list of user
Pending Withdrawal
All buy offer list
All Sell offer list
All Trade list
Trade Details
All Dispute list
Dispute Details
Dispute Release escrow
Send notification to all user
Send Bulk Email
Payment method list
Payment method can create and also update
Faq list
Testimonial list
General Setting
Email Setting
Twillo Setting
Coin Payment Setting
Referral Setting
For giving the referral bonus please run this command per month once
“php artisan command:affiliationfee”
Privacy and Terms and Condition Setting
Landing Page Setting Related Menu
Custom Page
Landing Page One
Landing Page One
Landing Page Two
Landing Page Two
Landing Page Three
Landing Page Three
Landing Page Footer Setting
Account Settings and Important Information
To start accepting cryptocurrency payments, the first step is the create a CoinPayments account! Get started by following along the steps below to sign up for a CoinPayments account and customize the account settings that are ideal for your business.
Sign up for a CoinPayments account here or click the Sign Up button in the top right corner of the CoinPayments website .After signing up, verify your account by clicking the activation link in the email sent to the email address you used to register your account. Account Activation Email
Find your profile and account settings here as well as the important merchant information (Merchant ID, IPN Key, etc…)
Login to your CoinPayments account for the first time.
Check your email for the verification code to login. Email Verification Code
Go to: “ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT SETTINGS“. Account Settings
In the “BASIC SETTINGS” tab, you will find your Merchant ID. Save/Copy your Merchant ID somewhere for later use. Merchant ID
In the “PUBLIC INFO” tab, you can enter your Name, Email, URL that will be displayed publicly to customers sending payments. Public Info
In the “LOGIN & SECURITY” tab, change 2FA method from email to Google Authenticator or one of the other more convenient options. Login & Security
In the “MERCHANT SETTINGS” tab, set your IPN Secret (this can be any strong/random string of characters). Save/Copy your IPN Secret somewhere for later use. Select your base currency and also toggle which notification emails to receive. Merchant Settings
Modify which coins you want to accept as payment and what to do after receiving a payment
Go to: “ACCOUNT -> COIN ACCEPTANCE SETTINGS“. Coin Acceptance Settings Navigation
Select which coins you want to accept as payment by checking the box in front of each coin. Coin Acceptance Selection
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click “Update Coin Preferences”.
This is the minimum you need to configure to begin accepting crypto payments to your store. Leave the rest of the options for later (ie. conversion, fiat settlement, payment forwarding)
You will need the information in this section later to link your CoinPayments account to your eCommerce store. The API keys are what connects your store with the CoinPayments payment system.
Go to: “ACCOUNT -> API KEYS“. API Keys Navigation
click the edit permission button. here you need to allow the api access and save it , otherwise the coin payment api never work
Use the API Key that’s already there, or generate a new key by clicking the “GENERATE NEW KEY” button. API Keys
Save/Copy your API Public Key and your API Private Key somewhere for later use.
By the time you have finished going through the above step-by-step process, you should have recorded the following information for future use:
This will add to your admin payment setting
Deposit with coin payment
add here your IPN Secret and notifier url
this will help you to deposit any coin to your site
your url /coin-payment-notifier (example : https://pexer.itech-theme.com/api/coin-payment-notifier)
Version 1.5 ( January 2022 )
Again, thank you for purchasing pexeer (peer to peer exchange). If you need some help, or support please use email or contact form via codecanyon Profile site.
Hope you happy with the Pexeer , (peer to peer exchange) system, all the best with your business.
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