Technology is rapidly evolving today, as well as allowing for faster change and thereby accelerating the rate of change. However, it is not just the technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, many more have changed this year due to the prevalence of COVID-19.

In 2020 with a market share of roughly 41%, the Asia Pacific area has become the largest region in the whole software product market. With a 35% share of the market, North America came in second. This is not the end. IT professionals are constantly improving the quality of life and learning to focus on how technology can be further enhanced in 2021-22. Here are the top 5 emerging technology trends that you should look for and try in 2022 and perhaps secure one of the jobs created by these new technology trends, including:

  1. Cloud-based Concentration

During COVID-19, most industries were severely damaged except for a few. Cloud computing is a pioneering industry that has become stronger than ever before across the global epidemic.

According to Forrester Research, the global public cloud infrastructure market will grow by 35% to $120 billion in 2021, as the cloud continues to recover from the epidemic at a “centralized level”.

So, get your business under your cloud migration, because the whole world is moving to the cloud soon.

  1. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Popular Among Programmers

Next up are the unusual technology trends – virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) that have transformed the gaming and video industry. In 2022, AR and VR could achieve great potential in training, recreation, education, and even post-injury rehabilitation. It can be used to train physicians in surgery or to improve marketing, customer service, and overall work experience.

In 2019, 14 million devices were sold based on AR and VR. The global AR and VR market is expected to reach 209.2 billion by 2022, only trends will create more opportunities in technology and welcome more professionals ready for this game-changing field.

  1. The Big Development Is Progressive Web Applications

Modern people expect quick solutions and web apps can do it. The web application can download significantly faster than the traditional app and also provides a user experience like the local app and the ability to provide notifications.

This could be one of the major software development trends of 2021. In recent years, many companies have moved away from such uses.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent

Artificial intelligence refers to a variety of technologies that can handle large amounts of data from consumers to provide a better user experience. According to the 2020 McKinsey State of Artificial Intelligence survey, about 50 percent of participants said their companies have already implemented AI functions.

When it comes to trending AI applications, we can easily find examples of AI applications developing well-functioning websites and applications. Companies already have access to hundreds of customer sales data and they can learn about their preferences using AI algorithms. These are increasingly used in finance, branding, and manufacturing to conduct rule-based business activities. So, as a software developer, understanding these AI trends is essential.

  1. The Internet of Things Is Expanding

IoT has brought many development trends in the internet software market. According to business estimates, there will be more than 41 billion IoT devices in the world by 2027. It has had a profound effect on people’s lives and their daily activities.

In 2021, we will see an increase in the use of IoT in the healthcare industry and remote work organizations in addition to regular applications. With the advent of the Covid-19, the importance of online and remote healthcare has already increased.

Final Thoughts

Modern software development technologies provide ample opportunities to take advantage. Throughout 2022, we will track the continuous growth and evolution of each of these domains. In addition to the global market, Bangladesh has witnessed new technologies in software development due to the strong presence of IT companies. Over the last six years, Itech has provided state-of-the-art technology solutions and the best support to more than 50 clients throughout the world. Itech’s goodwill and reputation have established the company as a reliable source for any form of IT product or service.

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